
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you're spending it with the people you love and have good food! <3
          	Ed the neighborhood turkey says hi as well 


Yo, I found another thing that the freelancers and/or rvb crew could react to: it's a series called crash on YouTube and people have said it's similar to red vs blue
          (This is a suggestion and you are in no way obligated to do anything with it, just thought it would be cool)


It's has been 1 month and 15 days of no updates it may seem if no updates in 25 days i will return and say that i will drop this series and wiat for 1 year to see if it has updated or not. Until then i will simply stand and grumble in silence as disagreement 


@05PhmGiai Lol. I plan on updating soon. When that'll be, idk. Struggling with a bad case of burn out but I'm making progress. Slowly...


It has been a month what happened?????


@RiderKaitlyn5 are you still working on the next chapter?


@05PhmGiai Just a bunch of life things, school, and family emergencies. Everything should be good now though. But good news, I finished the chapter today so expect an update this week!