
Sierra is in the beach right now and it reminds me so much about my fanfic 


@Rierrafan NO PLEASE DONT PLEASE IGNORE THEM REMEMBER THE WAYNE DYER QUOTE "what other people think of me is none of my business" !!! Don't let one persons , or multiple persons opinion ruin anything for you ! I think you are amazing and it may not count for much but don't let them bother you xxxxxxz


 This is so late because I deleted wattpad and I didn't get to finish reading I wanna cry


I just want to say sorry to all those who read my stories, I know I said I'll delete the story in a week's time to allow my readers to catch up, however, I have received a hateful message saying that my story is crap and accusing me that I'm the same "weirdo" that created the account impersonating Ramin. I know the poster is not alone and soon there will be others. Before things happen, I decided to unpublish the stories in my wattpad. Thank you all for your kind words and most especially, for being with me all throughout the story. 


@Rierrafan Bring them back. Show them you're bigger than them and don't give in


Thanks dear @AWonderfulWorld96. I was actually thinking about it because there were some people who are asking for it because they weren't able to finish reading


@Rierrafan Honey, you deleting the stories is what they wanted. They wanted you to give in. I say you bring your stories back and ignore whoever's giving you trouble


Hi guys! I would just like to share this personal milestone with everyone. My story has reached 1,000 reads in a little over a month since I started!! It means a lot to me that there are people out there reading my story. Seriously, I would be happy if I got 10 reads but I'm not expecting this. And the feedback that I receive are precious. So thanks to everyone who has been reading my story in wattpad and on Instagram. Thanks also to all the kind people who like my posts and those who give feedback. You inspire me