
Wow, Addictive Romance have 7.5K reads? Didn’t expect that many people to read something i quickly wrote up a year ago. Honestly I thought it will only get at best 100 reads.
          	Amyways I’m actually have been writing a Pokèmon fanfic since like February that I have been putting off and on. So far I only finished the first draft of chapter 1 as I have been taking my time writing it, as unlike my previous works I have been mostly working on lore, characters, and plot before I write chapters. I will upload the first chapter when I have already wrote several chapters ahead, hopefully it doesn’t die before release.
          	Will I return to writing Oil and Energon (I have not finished chapter 1 of that story) or even completing Addictive Romance? Maybe, it’s in hiatus in the moment as I’m not interested in murder drones or transformers to the extent that I was when writing those.


Wow, Addictive Romance have 7.5K reads? Didn’t expect that many people to read something i quickly wrote up a year ago. Honestly I thought it will only get at best 100 reads.
          Amyways I’m actually have been writing a Pokèmon fanfic since like February that I have been putting off and on. So far I only finished the first draft of chapter 1 as I have been taking my time writing it, as unlike my previous works I have been mostly working on lore, characters, and plot before I write chapters. I will upload the first chapter when I have already wrote several chapters ahead, hopefully it doesn’t die before release.
          Will I return to writing Oil and Energon (I have not finished chapter 1 of that story) or even completing Addictive Romance? Maybe, it’s in hiatus in the moment as I’m not interested in murder drones or transformers to the extent that I was when writing those.


The reason I haven’t uploaded anything new is because 
          1. I kinda lost interest in the stories I was writing (they’re not cancelled, just on hold until I’m motivated and interested in those franchises again since I don’t stay in a fandom too long and just cycle through them)
          2. I’m very lazy
          3. The stories I’m currently writing haven’t had a single completed chapter and I am just planning out the stories for both of those stories.


Although it may be late but happy new year as well as Valentine's Day I hope you'll return to Wattpad soon if not then good luck


@HenryValencia4569 thanks. I haven’t had motivation nor interest to continue writing for the I have written stories at the moment as my interests within a specific fandom often shifts to another. I have only 2 stories I am interested in starting to write but they are not related to transformers or murder drones in any way. 
            This doesn’t mean I won’t eventually continue stories I have already written as I have written future plans for them.


I’m going to wait for Episode 6 to come out so I can check if my Oil and Energon is lore compatible with it. But then again I haven’t even finished the prologue yet, and that isn’t connected to the Murder Drones…so I guess I have some benefit of not having to worry about the possibility of rewriting stuff.


I’m going to make a fanfic called Tales from the archives. This fanfic is a collection of one shots and other stories that all take place in the same universe as Addictive Romance.


This will change the update schedule. I will still update every Sunday but it will alternate between both fanfics. For an example: this upcoming Sunday I will upload the first chapter of Tales from the archives and the following Sunday I will upload chapter 20 of Addictive Romance.