
Hi. First of all, I apologize. Very deeply. So deeply you wouldn't believe it. I haven't been able to write this at all due to school. I actually failed an exam for the first time ever, but that's unrelated and not an excuse. Anyway, one of the biggest reasons it's taking so long to write the next chapter is because the topic is extremely difficult to write. Sure, I could make the quality of it worse, but that doesn't sit right with me. So I'm constantly rewriting and reconsidering and doubting myself and so on. But I'm trying. And it's getting closer to being finished. Slowly, sure, but slowly is better than not at all. In any case, I will keep trying and when I feel it's ready, I'll publish it. Also, happy new year. A bit late, but does that matter? No. Anyway, bye.


@ RimuruBestBoy  hi you live? 


Hi. First of all, I apologize. Very deeply. So deeply you wouldn't believe it. I haven't been able to write this at all due to school. I actually failed an exam for the first time ever, but that's unrelated and not an excuse. Anyway, one of the biggest reasons it's taking so long to write the next chapter is because the topic is extremely difficult to write. Sure, I could make the quality of it worse, but that doesn't sit right with me. So I'm constantly rewriting and reconsidering and doubting myself and so on. But I'm trying. And it's getting closer to being finished. Slowly, sure, but slowly is better than not at all. In any case, I will keep trying and when I feel it's ready, I'll publish it. Also, happy new year. A bit late, but does that matter? No. Anyway, bye.


@ RimuruBestBoy  hi you live? 


Hello there. First of all, I apologize. I know I said I'd have the chapter done by the end of August, and that it's October now. I severely underestimated how difficult school would be. However, it might take a while for me to get it done, but I will have it done. Simply because I want to and because it really will be special in multiple ways. So, please wait patiently and I'll talk to you when the chapter is done. Or when I'll make another one of these. Btw, current word count is about 7500 words. Anyway, bye.


@ RimuruBestBoy  There is nothing to worry about man, it is always a pleasure to read you and it's really worth the wait when you are able to still keep up with your life and write at the same time ^^


@RimuruBestBoy I’m excited whenever it is done


Question for everyone. Would you rather have a shorter, maybe 10k words chapter with less content, or a 20k words chapter with as much content as possible? The 20k words would have the same basic plot, but it would take longer to get to the main part. I guess you could call it filler. It would also take longer for me to publish it, especially since school is a lot more difficult than I thought. Didn't think it would be this hard, to be honest. Anyway, since I'm a very democratic author, I'll let y'all decide. I know some of you don't want a long chapter, so I'll put a disclaimer where the filler starts and where the main event happens. I do ask all of you to read at least most of it, as there are multiple points where I've dropped some stuff that I've made canon without telling anyone. And some... stuff I think is funny. Also, I know I said I'd publish it by the end of August, but it might take longer. As I said, school is difficult. Anyway, I think that's all, so bye.


@ RimuruBestBoy  To be honest, I don't really care, as long as it's good i'll read it lol


@RimuruBestBoy do whatever you think would be the best choice. Also don't overstress yourself. Miss ya man. Be safe. Be smart. Stay cool


@RimuruBestBoy 10k please, I love you


Hello there. I know it's been very long since I wrote anything, but I saw that Rimuru x Male Reader has 300k reads now, so I decided to post this message. The reason I haven't been writing much is because my laptop is bad and I don't have any money to buy a new one. Also school and stuff, but those hardly matter. Anyway, I'm happy to announce that I am writing a new chapter for Rimuru x Male Reader and that it already has about 5k words. I'm pretty sure that amount might triple, however. In other words, the next chapter will be extra long. The next chapter is extra special, too. It should be done by the end of August, hopefully earlier. But for now, I'll go back to writing. So bye. For now.


@ RimuruBestBoy  ♥️♥️♥️♥️


@RimuruBestBoy I missed you so much! I’m so happy you’re back!