
@Amanda_Hather You're welcome :) and sounds great! Looking forward to that :)


@XWritingXJunkieX It is! Oh that's awesome. Being a TA definitely is a lot of work, but I really enjoy it. It's also great experience, and it's kind of perfect because I want to go into teaching once I graduate. Plus, the money is almost double minimum wage haha :P Yeah I know exactly what you mean. It's so crazy...I'm having a hell of a time with five classes right now :P I'm hoping to take a literature course in fantasy, so I have to wait and see if I get into it. If I do, some of the books are a few of the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter novels :P sounds kind of interesting lol. But if I don't get into that one, I'll probably just take a history or more general science elective or something less interesting for me hahaha. Yeah definitely, and sounds awesome! Can't wait to read more. She's getting married June 15th :) and I just found out my cousin is getting married next June!! So many weddings haha. Ahhh that sucks :P it's never fun when the break ends. It always goes by way too quickly too. Oh man, I definitely know how you feel. I had one of those last year. I worked so hard, but no matter what I did I just could NOT get that mark up higher :/ I guess sometimes it just happens lol. It sucks, but I'm trying to remember that if I'm doing my best, that's what counts. So cliche haha :P I have sooooo many papers due in the next couple weeks :S buuut I'm going to the MT FTM2 show here in Windsor on April 3rd with one of my roommates, so I am SUPER excited for that :D something to look forward to at least haha


@RisaAnneH It really is crazy! You have no idea how badly I want to be a TA, you have no idea. I know it must be a lot of work, but let me tell you, I really, really want to be one! I took an extra semsester than I was supposed to just because the stress was getting to me and I needed less classes, I work better with less classes and I am able to focus a lot more ya know? Haha exactly, who the hell needs sleep! ;P What course are you taking this summer? I haven't been up to anything exciting either, just trying to write. I'm working on chapter 4 I haven't forogtten the Josh story, just been too busy to really work on it ya know? But don't worry, I plan to update soon! :D Ohhh that's awesome when is she getting married? I'm back in School Monday the 18th, my March Break is over lol xD I've just been trying to make sure that I do well this semester, I'm kind of doing badly in one of my classes and that honestly makes me a wee bit sad...I'm trying, but just not getting any results I guess! Other than that, not much really! 


@XWritingXJunkieX Oh yeah I know how you feel. It's just crazy right now :/ and I'm a Teaching Assistant too, so I do a lot of marking on top of my own assignments. Who needs time to sleep, right? :P Yeah I'm hoping next semester will be a little better too. I took a course last summer and I'm gonna take one again, so next year I'll be taking less courses- so that should help a bit. I can't believe this semester is almost over for me though!! I'm not ready for that yet lol. But that's good! :) I have literally been doing nothing exciting lately haha. I live and breathe school, and I've been helping my best friend plan her wedding that's coming up this summer, and that's about it. What about you?! :)