
So, I've been taking a break from writing for....ever now haha. Is anyone wanting me to start writing a specific story again? If so, which one!? (: Message me!


Hello strangers! I have been forever trying to get on this thing but I had forgot the password to this and my yahoo so I couldn't figure it out:O But, I just moved all my stuff around and found a piece of paper that had all my usernames and passwords for things(because I'm forgettful, as if you haven't figured that out yet!) and it had the password for this on it! I found it yesterday but I've been writing on my stories and all I have to do is type them up and then I'll post them:D Sorry for the long-ass wait but I will definitly be posting up some things. So, I might not post until this weekend but I'll be posting soon. ((Miss Badass tames Mister Badass is first:]))