
I quit writing, but I am not leaving the fandom though. Thank you for the ones who reads my stories back then and the friends who supported me writing... o(〒﹏〒)o
          	I know this is a sudden announcement, and the reason for that is.. ಥ‿ಥ
          	1.  I thought that I didn't have the talent and entertainment to make the readers happy.
          	2. The fandom is kind of dead now.
          	3. I'm a very busy person and dealing some issues right now.
          	4. I lack writing.
          	5. A very lazy person that needs motivation to start writing again.
          	6. I'm slowly losing interest in the Countryhuman fandom. 
          	7. And lastly, writing to make ChApTeRs will cause more heavy weight on my back, since.. I still have to make the 10 PETAS in school, making it harder to update.   
          	—BUT, I am loyal to the CH fandom since 2022, there's a part of me wanting to leave and another part to not to leave. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
          	 There's also a chance that I might come back if I ever have the motivation and confidence to write again. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ 
          	Thank you for reading. Also—I'll still be reading some stories as well if you ever see me commenting on a story hehe.. (٭°̧̧̧ω°̧̧̧٭)


I quit writing, but I am not leaving the fandom though. Thank you for the ones who reads my stories back then and the friends who supported me writing... o(〒﹏〒)o
          I know this is a sudden announcement, and the reason for that is.. ಥ‿ಥ
          1.  I thought that I didn't have the talent and entertainment to make the readers happy.
          2. The fandom is kind of dead now.
          3. I'm a very busy person and dealing some issues right now.
          4. I lack writing.
          5. A very lazy person that needs motivation to start writing again.
          6. I'm slowly losing interest in the Countryhuman fandom. 
          7. And lastly, writing to make ChApTeRs will cause more heavy weight on my back, since.. I still have to make the 10 PETAS in school, making it harder to update.   
          —BUT, I am loyal to the CH fandom since 2022, there's a part of me wanting to leave and another part to not to leave. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
           There's also a chance that I might come back if I ever have the motivation and confidence to write again. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ 
          Thank you for reading. Also—I'll still be reading some stories as well if you ever see me commenting on a story hehe.. (٭°̧̧̧ω°̧̧̧٭)


There were times of a burden, but some are happiness. 
          Childhood dream was everything I could think of since I was a child. I was Pathetic. Weak. Stubborn. 
          I always thought that growing up was so much fun. But I was wrong. Everything is futile and always drag me to madness as time passes by. 
          I realized.. As I grew older is that dreams is not always easy to accomplish. Not every accomplishment should be praised, whether it's good nor bad. 
          And you know what I wanted to become when I was a kid? A writer. 
          I wanted to express my creativity and show the world of what I can do. But there is one person that shined the most; (...). She illuminated like the moon in the sky, while I was the sun.The differences between us is just the right amount to differentiate us. 
          The moon can be described as something beautiful and appreciating by it's beauty in the night. Everyone admired it. Especially of how it shined so brightly that everyone can see of what it can create, their specialty, and beauty. That's her. 
          While the sun.. It hurts people whenever they look at it. They never appreciate of how bright it was than the Moon and yet, they ignore it. Although, the Sun was never admired and be appreciated, the people around Earth never showed attention to the Sun, not once, not twice, it was never. The total opposite of the Moon. And that is me.


But the first thing I can accept is that.. Everyone is better than me. It hurts seeing someone being better than me to the only thing I'm good at. And I'll accept that. Though it breaks my heart to pieces. 


Do you ever get the feeling of losing someone..? Like your favorite author just disappeared?.. Meaning that you can't see them or hear from them anymore. The feeling that you get with a weird sensation in the stomach as the nostalgic feeling arouses you, it's like two magnets; you can't figure out how to connect them and reciprocate it when expression it. 
          These authors that I miss in the fandom is stuck in my head ='D:
          And many more that I can't remember the user, imao haha..
          Oh well. Thank you for reading this such nonsense I'm talking about. Sorry if I wasted your time lol.






I was going to plan on updating my story again [a duty's mission] since my hiatus and rest are done now, but it seems like I need another time of making it. I can't gaurantee an update right now, there's a lot going on in my life right now. 
          •My grandpa just died.
          •I need to make a presentation and PowerPoint.
          •My eyes are so red right now, crimson-red as heck.
          •I have a bad sleeping schedule.
          •I need to review for the exams (Yes, I still have class because I'm from a private school)
          •My motivations are losing right now, yet, I even forgot that story existed.
          Please give me more time. Maybe at the end of the school year, I'll update again? Not sure, I'm not a future prediction person.