Non-binary, brazilian, pansexual, sucks at math and has a very weird taste for romance. Fun story, when I was about 7yo I got sent to detention for pretending to be posessed. I love snakes, cats and raccoons. My favorite color is green and my favorite song is The Perfect Girl by Mareux. My favorite food is eggplants tho I rarely ever mention that cuz people make it weird even tho its not. I hate tomatoes but I like Ketchup. I love making new friends tho It's rare for me to have the confidence to befriend people. Im INFP. My real name is Alice but all my friends call me Charlie, and on the internet my nickname is Noxer. My favorite anime is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and my favorite game is Genshin Impact, my favorite manga is The Promised Neverland.
  • JoinedNovember 3, 2020