
hey riya,
          i'm wesley and i am the co-founder of "teen culture", basically we are a platform for teens and young adults to showcase their work. i was scrolling through watt pad and found your work about body positivity which is what our zine is focused on <3 and because of your beautiful work we were wondering if you would like to be in our first zine, i know we may not have the largest audience but we hope with the zine we'll gain popularity. and a sidenote, you will not be paid, but 20% of the money raised from the selling of the zine will be donated to suicidepreventionlifeline.org, a website and hotline for the depressed and suicidal. if you have any questions email us teenculturezine@gmail.com or dm us!!
          teen culture


well we don’t have a website at the moment. but our instagram is @teenxculture


@teenculturezine hi Wesley. So happy to get appreciation for my work. I'd like to get some more information. Can you please share your website link? And other handles if there are any. 