
this message may be offensive
+ don't forget to drink and eat water everyday and in the right time food is life don't let them stop u from doing what you want and need <33 also pls get enough sleep everyday everything will be alright take a deep breath and forget about the bad animals k? (TW: CURSING) FUCK SOCIETY! Have freedom and you do you. Feel free to scroll down and reread/read more fun facts! Even tho I think I say and fun fact always the same thing HAJJAJSJJSJS. look, yes look as in read HAHHAHAH you ARE SO AMAZING and LITERALLY JUST GREAT AF you look gorgeous/handsome everyday and if people can't see that then pshhhh their big big big big biggggggg Lost (⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠) you stay slaying mah girl/boy <3


this message may be offensive
+ don't forget to drink and eat water everyday and in the right time food is life don't let them stop u from doing what you want and need <33 also pls get enough sleep everyday everything will be alright take a deep breath and forget about the bad animals k? (TW: CURSING) FUCK SOCIETY! Have freedom and you do you. Feel free to scroll down and reread/read more fun facts! Even tho I think I say and fun fact always the same thing HAJJAJSJJSJS. look, yes look as in read HAHHAHAH you ARE SO AMAZING and LITERALLY JUST GREAT AF you look gorgeous/handsome everyday and if people can't see that then pshhhh their big big big big biggggggg Lost (⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠) you stay slaying mah girl/boy <3


Fun fact! It has been SOOOOOOOOO LONGGGGGG and January is ending real fast ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
          I just wanna say that whoever you are I am so dam proud of you and I love u. I'm proud of u for the things you have achieved and I'm proud of u for still being here. You are such as wonderful human being and I hope you see it. don't think nor care about the bad things other people say about u. You are SOOOO beautiful/handsome inside and out (Movie?!/jk) It's alright to let out your emotions, it's ok to cry it's ok to stutter it's ok to make mistakes it's ok to talk to the opposite gender and be besties with them or just generally acquaintances(etc) and it's very ok and fine to fail. Everyone fails at some point even the people who have high expectations to you. You did you best and I'm very proud. u matter and will always matter and be important. you're NOT "too quiet" or "too loud" or "too "cringe" or "annoying" or "too sensitive" them hypocrites need to understand those and understand that what ppl feel/want/do/interest/etc isn't always the same as theirs. So don't let them stop you Kay? I love yah <33333333


hey! i was wondering if you could check out my twilight fanfiction so far :)


@DxngerDxys nah way this was way backkkk and I only received it right now ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ 


tysm for adding ‘animal farm’ to ur reading list !! <33 it means the world to me, i hope ur having a great day / night and make sure to take breaks, stay hydrated and healthy. remember that ur always doing great & im so proud of you. ur loved, enough, appreciated & worthy always. ilysm !!  




Fun fact!
          Reminder, I'm so sorry I hadn't done this for SO SO SO LONGGGG I had been so busy with school ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
          I want u to know that I am so dam proud of you. I'm proud of you for trying your best, I'm proud of u for still being here, I'm proud of u for all the things that u have achieved. Pls remember that you're not "too" quiet nor "too" loud. Stuttering in convo is alright, talking to the opposite gender is normal and giggling and crying is an emotion. You're gorgeous/handsome just the way you are. You matter and u will always matter and be more than enough than you think you are. Idk what you're going on through rn but I hope that you're ok and we'll. Pls drink water, eat food and ofcourse sleep. If they can't see how fudging GORGEOUS/HANDSOME AF you are then they're basically blind asf. They don't deserve you. Stay true to yourself. If u want to change; Don't change yourself for them, Change yourself the way you want to so that u can be yourself and don't listen to their wrong judgement because they don't know u nor what you're going through. luv u even if we're strangers here in Wattpad (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡


@RndmReaderMultiFndm why you gotta make sure cry ;3;



@cyjsxk hi! I'm so sorry to read this late but sure! I would love to see your work :))) Sorry again I had been busy with school AJSJJSJSJ




@Quack_den if I wasn't broke I honestly would've buy one of your paintings (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠) 


@Quack_den no yeah exactly are coming up so quick I wish time would just stop haha. I'm good! Been trying to sell some of my paintings but other than that not much.  


@Quack_den stressed about school bcs we always have so many assignments like dammm how are you? I hope you're doing well and safe


this message may be offensive
Fun fact!
          I just wanna remind you that you are gorgeous/handsome just the way you are. It's alright to fail. It's alright to stutter. It's alright to giggle, talk to the opposite gender, it's alright to cry. In the world we live in, almost everything we do is "dramatic" or/and "cringe". But it's not.we're just showing our emotions. We just do what we want and feel somewhat free. Don't give up alright? Now most schools are f2f. Idk if your school are f2f but pls don't work too much. Pls eat and drink. Don't be self conscious just bcs you see someone who's pretty.yk why? Bcs you ARE pretty/handsome too. Inside and out. (Aye the movie!? Jk) pls don't overwork yourself and ignore those who wants to bring you down. Just be yourself and walk like a fucking QUEEN/KING/QUING!! Have confidence not just because you don't want them to think you're insecure. Have confidence bcs you love yourself/starting to love yourself and accept yourself. Love yourself first to start the journey to find the best in you mi amor/mi amore <3


@Konoha_Kira710 I'm glad my message helped stay safe and don't forget to eat abd drink<333


@RndmReaderMultiFndm Omg That was it what i needed right now, thank you ♡


I just found out that my classes will be face to face now ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀) I thought it was In NOVEMBER NOW IT'S NEXT WEEK I'M NOT READY AHHHHHSJSJJSJSJS. HELP I NEED TO LOOSE WEIGHT AND I FORGOT HOW TO DO SIMPLE MATH


@lightsoutalice I was so calm when they said it but inside I was screaming and dying ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


@lahkohpakeh that was deep. I don't understand it anymore
            •́  ‿ ,•̀ I'm dumb


@lahkohpakeh I want a time machine huhu