
Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
          	Ephesians 4:24 NLT


Hey everybody. How have you been? Okay, so, I wanna us to encourage one another.... So for those of you that are interested in having audio bible study on Zoom, just comment below and let's encourage one another..... Stay blessed. 


@LeafeonPower  Hey bro! How are you?  Oh yeah? Everybody is maximizing  Zoom time lol... And I think its effective enough.... 


@Robbymak Me and my church already do a Bible study on zoom. Seems like this pandemic has seen a lot of people using zoom.


Surrender your anxiety! Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God. I am the God above all the nations, and I will be exalted throughout the whole earth.
          Psalms 46:10 TPT
          - We are in times of global difficulty and turmoil. Many are living in fear not knowing what to do. 
          - The Bible says, 'Surrender your anxiety'
          - What is it that you are worried today? Is it finances? Is it business? Is it school? Is it the salvation of others? Is it your marriage? Is it your education? Is it your health? 
          - God says, surrender. 
          - Surrendering means giving up all your worries. Why? Because we were not designed to carry worry. 
          - Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there , for he always tenderly cares for you.
          1 Peter 5:7 TPT
          - You cannot carry the burden of stress and worry when there is a God who is willing to take them for us. 
          - The bible says, He always tenderly cares for you. 
          - He says, leave your worries to Him and be still! 
          - He only says, that we should praise Him and not worry where our needs will come from. He supplies all our needs! (Philippians 4:19)


@Robbymak Amen! God bless you sis


Hey everyone! I am so sorry for the late update, I have had a few challenges in making daily updates... I will make another update tonight even though I just posted one. Thank you so much for your wonderful support!


Hey everyone. I hope you are very fine. I am sorry for not updating in the last two days... Do forgive me... I will make an update tonight .... Thank you again for your loyalty and your amazing support. 


@Edionfavour05 Am I glad that you are fine! Uhm, be safe okay. 


@Robbymak very well fine thank you 


@Edionfavour05 Hi, I am well... How are you? 