
Hi there!
          Welcome to Wattpad!
          I am JJ,  A Wattpad Ambassador. If you require any help on this site regarding anything, feel free to message me and I will get back to you as soon as possible! :D
          Just click on my profile picture or just click the 'reply' button under this message.
          Also, don't forget to check out our various Clubs from the community tab above and various story categories from the Discover tab above!
          If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know :)
          Have a great time out here and have fun! :D
          P.S- U can always message me when you are looking to talk to someone! It's fun to make friends and i love doing it.
          Also do confirm the various regulations and queries with me, so that everyone follows the rules :)
          ENJOY! :)
          Ambassador JJ