
Base ! Is officially out of the draft stages  and hopefully with that being done, I'll probably release 1-2 chapters a week 
          	-Aleo ❤


BASE is one of the books ive been working on for a while. Something about it feels right... I feel more motivated than ever to finishing this book. It took several book ideas that i wrote a long time ago and combined them into one. Hopefully people discover this book and give me feedback, since im the early stages of it. Of course, i have several chapters written and theyre in their "Drafts" right now, so expect a 1-2 chapters every week (Every tuesday, 11 am central time) 
          I will also be doing future QnAs where you guys ask questions to one of your favorite characters, rumor halls, "If you were in our universe" interviews and much more. 
          Again, love you guys, (Lmao like 2 people on here.) keep yalls head up and thank you. 
          Sunday, June 2nd, 2019. 
          4:54 Pm