
I might need help for a book that I'm trying to make for my oc, I just need to figure out what anime that fits my oc the best


@ Robinfireheart  ok what race is your oc? 


*Name: Fenrir Dragneel
          *Age: 18
          *Height: 6'0
          *Species: half human, quarter high dragon/dire wolf hybrid.
          *Nicknames: Dragonborn, Alpha wolf, lone wolf (was till he met Jake and Riser), the gentle dragon/wolf, Pack leader ( was before he was overthrown and exiled from the pack), the gentleman knight,
          *Crystal piece: unknown (that's for dragonking to decide.)
          *Personally: kind, reckless in battle sometimes (because of the mix blood of the wolf and the dragon), brave, determined, strong-willed, brother figure (mostly to Riser), follows the knights code, caring, loyal (to his friends) strategy, intelligence
          *Likes: cooking, music, reading, strategy games, pizza, Suki's tea, Riser, training, swords.
          *Dislikes: power hungry people, tyrants, Riser's adopted brother, people who kill without reason, strays devils (except kuroka.)
          -Endance speed: Fenrir can outrun any class of devils, fallen ngels, and angels thanks of him being part wolf.
          -Endance durability: being part dragon, Fenrir can endure incredible amounts of damage.
          -Endance strength: being part dragon, Fenrir has the strength of a high dragon
          *Shapshifting: Fenrir is able to transform into his high dragon form or his dire wolf form.
          -Requip: able to summon his weapons and armor that he acquired in his journeys from his pocket dimension and able to store in said pocket dimension.
          *Dragon slayer magic: Fenrir learned different elements of dragon slayer magic from different dragons from his journeys, mainly fire, water, sky, lightning, light, shadow and steel.
          *Sacred gear: Armory
          -able to summon powerful magic weapons and armor. (mostly swords, axe and most medieval weapons.)
          -Pendragon (look up Demon dragon armor, it looks like black steel dragon armor with a tail.)
          -Frost (a dire wolf)
          This is my first oc, so if you want to use it ask for permission 


@Dragonking54 thanks for the compliment 


10 (๑و•̀ω•́)


@Bloodkage45 yay *takes cookie* nom noms


@Bloodkage45 *gives blood a cookie*