
this message may be offensive
Bruh I was young as the fuck when I wrote "life sex and pain" the first  don't come for me. As a writer I love the second sequel better.  I'm glad im old enough to have better writing skills. I wanna delete the first one but in order to understand the second one you gotta read the first one.  smh.


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Bruh I was young as the fuck when I wrote "life sex and pain" the first  don't come for me. As a writer I love the second sequel better.  I'm glad im old enough to have better writing skills. I wanna delete the first one but in order to understand the second one you gotta read the first one.  smh.


I will be deleting the 3rd Chapter book for Life, Sex, and Pain. So yeah... there is no point to it. Will be doing a new story.


@RocRoyalsSpifferella  when are you writing it please tell me i love your stories i went to read number three and it was gone so i want you to know that im not rushing.... but im rishing you haha just kidding take your time just not too much also can you make part tjree be about where Roc gets out of jail and tries to win Keke back and stuff like that also please keep the series going your doing great you should be a writer one day. Bye. Your best fan.


but I am making a part 3 to life sex and pain


Please be soon