Hella bishes! It's *drumroll* ME!

24, single, NOT interested so don't try. I know how dem thirsty Wattpaders be dese days.

Not new to wattpad, just kinda sorta forgot my username and password.. Hehe?

** 50% fantabulous, 50% straight **

More seriousness now:

Now here's a warning, my works are rated R, usually short eroticas, horror, murder, probably a lot of gore, that good shiz. I'm not censoring my language in them either so don't read if you're an innocent 10 year old.

With that being said, welcome to hell. Check out is never. Follow and I'll follow back. Now.. Just need to find a few good friends and add em up.
  • Wherever you want, kitten.
  • JoinedOctober 24, 2014
