Hey guys! My name is RollingEevee! But you can call me Eevee if you want! I'm a young adult who loves reading, particularly fanfiction which is pretty much the whole reason why I joined but I also joined to make my own fanfictions for ya'll to read and enjoy! I love giving helpful feedback on stories and helping others if they're stuck. And also, if you ever need a friend on the internet to talk to cause your to upset or shy or whatever, I'm here. Don't worry I'm not mean and I won't bite you! ^^

I have also now come to accept that I have been dragged into so many fandoms that I have officially become trash. -.-

WARNING!!!: I can be a VERY random person! XD

If you wish to RolePlay with me, leave a comment on my profile saying so, k? ^^ I do not RP smut, though. Sorry. You can also try to find on some of the RP books on here I RP in, or recommend one to me if you'd like to Roleplay with me there. However, I will only agree if I know and like the fandom. But who'd ask me to RP in something if they knew I didn't know it or not like it? XD Check my reading lists to see fandoms I like, as well as my RolePlay reading list to see which fandoms I like RolePlaying in the most. ^^

I also have Quotev, and DeviantArt accounts if you wanna check me out there. Same username as here! ^^ I also do art and literature commissions on my DeviantArt if anyone's interested :)
  • انضمJune 8, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
RollingEevee RollingEevee Feb 21, 2024 06:18AM
It is Wednesday, my dudes. Guess who’s a year older now.
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم RollingEevee
Damita y El Jefe (Little Lady and The Boss) بقلم RollingEevee
Damita y El Jefe (Little Lady and...
You and your father just moved to a quaint little town in the US called Home Town. Unbeknownst to you, your f...
+11 أكثر
The Dragon Tamer بقلم RollingEevee
The Dragon Tamer
A How to Train Your Dragon/Twisted Wonderland crossover reader insert You are the younger sister of Hiccup Ha...
Welcome to Neverland, Lil Darling بقلم RollingEevee
Welcome to Neverland, Lil Darling
You had loved to tell stories since you were young. And people loved to listen to you. From your family to yo...
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