
Jemand ne Idee für ein OS? Oder ein Wunsch? Hab nämlich Lust einen zu schreiben, jedoch keine Ahnung über was


           I just want to hear a reason why you don't write the next chapters of the sequel of story"Fake Smile"(i write this because I forget how was called sequel sorry) this story I one of the best stories of all JaeYong stories, I really love it so muchhhhhhh❤❤ If you just don't have time to write it, or something I understand but I just want to know if this will be continued or this is stopped
          Stay healthy, drink water because it's healthy.
          Luv U❤❤ have a nice day/night ❤
          (If there is write  something wrong then I'm sorry but English is not my first language, I'm Polish ) 


Vielen dank für deine votes bei remember i Love you. Wusste gar nicht,dass du stydia Fan bist.


@ blackdagger17  verdammt da schreiben wir uns seit fast drei Jahren und Wissen das nicht voneinander.


@ blackdagger17  bin total teen wolf af 