
Not dead yet still plan on writing it’s just been a lot I’ve had 5 deaths between family and pets so I’m doin what a girl can ‍


I forgot the power I hold knowing dang well that I have another chapter written but not posted  I have the power of fanfiction at my fingertips 


Also if anyone cares about the Deku fanfic still I’m probably gonna upload chapters based on the view count since I don’t wanna just write for like 0 people SO if you want that story to post chapters a ton then share that thing or add to a list idk how this all works honestly ‍♀️


So the author isn’t dead but BOTH my grandparents, my cat, and a family friend  sure are  I vanished because of those reasons it was one thing after another BUT I do still plan to write some more (if anyone is actually still alive on my account)


@RoyalMisfits hey we're still here and I'm sorry that's happened


@SimpforTeddyBear I have no idea how this app works or if I’m supposed to tag so if I send you two notifications I apologize for cluttering your feed 


Surprise I live 


Hello! I really love the izuku x reader story can you please update more? I understand if your busy or if you don't wanna continue the book it's your book after all! I hope im not bothering you


Not a bother at all! I got all my personal issues sorted and I’m vibing along 


@ItsCristalMothafucka thank you both very much  sorry I basically died 


@SimpforTeddyBear I agree! It's awesome!


hey! love your stories! im obsessed with them and i finally built the courage to say hi and fallow you and tell you i admire your work so very much! <3


I am proud of you my friend way to reach out of your comfort zone I know that can be tough! I’m really happy you like the story so far and I hope you have a lovely day/night/life in general 


I'm happy to have stumbled  on lifeline.  It's super beautiful  and I love the characters already.  Honestly its one of the best I have read since 2021 started and I have been looking....a lot. Props to you author  Chan, your story is AMAZING.


Thank you so much I’m sorry I up and disappeared but comments like this make me very happy to be back and kicking 


Hello I am not dead yet >:) I want to start off by saying I’m sorry for the delay. My grandma and my grandpa both passed away within months of one another so it’s been tough. That stacked on to me having to move has just been CRAZY. I just wanted to let y’all know that my Deku fic is still going to be updated although I’m not sure when


@RoyalMisfits Take your time! I understand that you would be delayed when life throws a boulder at you and tells you to push it uphill. All of us can wait for your story's next chapters to come out. Besides, the author comes before the book! There's no need to apologize because you are already dealing with a lot. What you're going through rn must be tough and we don't even know the half of it. Take care and don't stress about updating! (IK I'm really late)


Hweoo s update dekux life line please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,please ,im begging u its a good book