
PLz support and read out first chapter 


Hello dear mates!! 
          I'm not that legend writer but i do believe in my self and in my own write ups! 
          I don't want to write on fictitious characters i write on real characters!  Whatever  and whoever i  observe , i tried to capture their moments in my write-ups! 
          More  as since childhood i wanted to write on poverty and those poors who have internal crackes and broken lives. I want to write on  those kids who have not been educated due to the disease like poverty on those mothers who sale their bodies to feed their kids! 
          I need courage of you peeps to capture their crackes in my write-ups 
          Hope you guys will enjoy my  write-ups 
          I'm a medical student and IA in the future I'll write each and every stofy of my poor patients!! 
          "The letter drowned in blood " 
          My first write up on a real character,  a woman committed suicide due to poverty, poverty lead her on the edge of death,  she greets death instead to live life "
          If the book is true, it will find an audience that is meant to read it."
          - Wally Lamb
          ;A very simple human being trying to figure out the inside crakes of broken creatures
          @instagram #rpwrittings 
          @face book Rpk writings