
Oh my lawd I have been gone for that long? My deepest and sincere apologies! I have been busy this holiday cause of Eid Mubarak so I didn't had time to even check here lmao. My apologies for being away for that long. I'll try to keep up with everything here I promise. I hope y'all still remember me *wink* (ㆁωㆁ) anyways that's all from me. Bye Wolfies<33


Oh my lawd I have been gone for that long? My deepest and sincere apologies! I have been busy this holiday cause of Eid Mubarak so I didn't had time to even check here lmao. My apologies for being away for that long. I'll try to keep up with everything here I promise. I hope y'all still remember me *wink* (ㆁωㆁ) anyways that's all from me. Bye Wolfies<33


Hi Wolfies! I just want you to know if ya want to see my old account, it's @r_00kie_0806. It's nothing really but I just wanna just show you my reading lists and stuff's that I've had that account since 2020. It's really ashamed that I have to abandoned that account but that's ok, I'm slowly starting to move on and start building up and gaining more on this account. Hope y'all enjoy with just me talking here. I just wanna share my thoughts and feelings towards you Wolfies! (Also I will call you Wolfies or Orpens, whenever I feel like to call y'all ^_^). Hope y'all enjoy here even though it's nothing but still, ENJOY MY WOLFIES (^^)


Hi  this is Ren here. I just wanna say that my old account RuRu_Wolfie was changed the username as r_00kie_0806 and now that account is not basically active anymore because I changed the username and it like reset everything and became like a new account and I don't know how to get my old account back so this is the only option I had. So sorry to my old followers who followed me and I know, I literally wanted to cry at the thought of not getting that account back anymore and I have to restart all over again from reading all of those books, stories, reading lists and all. I guess there's no turning back now since it's already been done. Please support me on this account and make me reach back to the top! It will really help.