
Hey folks! Just wanted to say that I love reading your comments. However, I do not enjoy spam comments that are posted on every chapter of a story. If you want to promote a website or something - that's cool. Just post it once, please. Or send it to me in a private message.


You are soooo talented! I'm reading your books and I'm innnn love with your writing!!!!! You're so good and so creative!!! I really hope u do know this :D
          just passing to say this (couldn't go along with my day without telling u this first)


Thank you so much! This comment definitely brightened my day.^^


Hey folks! Just wanted to say that I love reading your comments. However, I do not enjoy spam comments that are posted on every chapter of a story. If you want to promote a website or something - that's cool. Just post it once, please. Or send it to me in a private message.


Hey readers! So, I've started editing and posting my favorite book of the Wood Series - "Life & Times of a Flaming Pixie."  Dear Lord, I love Daisy Wood and this book focused on her. I also forgot just how long it is (and getting longer as I edit and break up chapters). Hope you guys enjoy it as well!


Hey folks! I'm nearly done with posting "Surviving Hogwarts"! I have just about four chapters left to edit before the end of the book. However, I do have a lot of work to do this weekend - both copywriting and tutoring (one of my kiddos has a college application deadline on Sunday so I'm on call) - meaning I'm not sure how quickly I'll get to it. Also got another vet appointment today (we're at once a week this month >.<).
          But I am working on it. 
          You may have noticed that I've also started uploading "The Secret Forest"  - the first in my two-part Merlin series. After it was illegally posted for sale on Amazon, I started looking over it and decided I wanted to dive into that again. I might take a short break from posting the Wood Series and focus on that and editing my original work "Into the Fog" for a bit. Mostly because I got so caught up in editing "Surviving Hogwarts" that I forgot I was also editing and reposting "Into the Fog" for Inkitt and got behind. I'm going to repost the version on Wattpad once I'm completely done. 
          Anywho, that's where I am right now. Hope you all have a good weekend!


I'm finally done with "A Life Worth Living" and got up the two shorts. Really wanted to get to "Suriving Hogwarts," haha. Anywho, anyone who is following along with the Woods Series, I'm doing the same thing. Posting in batches of five chapters as I finish editing. Surprisingly, there's not a ton with "Surviving Hogwarts" that I want to change just yet, though I'm still early on in the book.
          Hope you guys are enjoying!


@deepndarkshadows13 No problem! Thanks for reading!


@Rubberduckz84 just so ya know...I came over from FanFiction.Net. I absolutely adore your ff. I'll have to read some of your original works too. Thank you for telling us how to find you. 


Just posted another five chapters of "A Life Worth Living." Getting eager to work on the next book, which takes us into next generation Harry Potter. ^_^ Only got five more chapters left to go up on "A Life Worth Living." 
          Hope you guys are ready to meet Iris and Oliver's kids. Goodness knows I had SO MUCH FUN creating them. ^_^


Happy Holidays, everyone! I hope you all had a good time. I'm still working on the next round of chapters on "A Life Worth Living," but I'm also concurrently editing an original novel (all on top of my full-time job) so it's a bit slow. Hoping to get another round up. Going to try and get on a schedule. Maybe five chapters a week or something. 
          Anywho, wishing you all the best in the upcoming new year!


And I'm back! Got sidetracked a bit, but I'm back working on the edits and posts of the Wood Series. Like the first one, I'm posting in batches of five chapters. This means it might take a bit longer in between posts, however you'll get a lot of content. Hope that makes up for it. Sheesh, some of the parts are MESSY. But I'm hoping that these edits/rewrites make the Woods Series easier to read and more enjoyable. I'm kind of hoping I don't have to do so many edits/rewrites as I get to the later books/stories since I feel like my writing improved a lot as I wrote them originally, but we'll see. 
          Anywho, enjoy!


Hey folks! Don't worry, I'm still working on getting the rest of the Wood Series up. Just Book 2 is taking a bit longer than anticipated to get ready. 
          In the meantime, I thought I would start posting "The Wooing of Marcus Flint." It's a cute little story that doesn't need a ton of cleaning up (at least, I hope not). Same drill as before. I'll post in batches of five chapters as soon as I get them edited.
          Thanks for reading!


Okay, so taking on a big project. I'm reposting my Wood Series, but since it's been so long since I wrote it (and well... going over it makes me cringe in some parts) I'm re-editing it as I post. So far, it's MUCH better than the original and I'm actually re-writing and fleshing out certain parts.
          It's going to take me a long time. There are 8 books, 4 novellas, and a ton of oneshots to get up. So far I'm about two-thirds through Book 1 "Saving Iris," but I'm posting five chapters at a time as I get them finished. 
          Anywho, hope you enjoy!


@erookie23 So happy that you enjoyed it! Honestly, I haven't looked at it since I finished "Father of the Bride: Part Two" so it's been a rush diving back into the universe. I don't think I'll write any new fanfic (though... never say never...) but I am enjoying reworking some of my old stuff. ^_^


            I reread the whole series over on at the beginning of covid and it kept me sane lol