Thanks for all the recent reads and votes on Lost Island. Glad you are enjoying it.

OOps. I was mentioning the wrong book. Sorry. I still have to complete Lost island and am working on it now. The book is a labor of love because of all the WW2 stories I heard from my grandpa, who was down in those islands in 1944 in the navy. Lots of research and adventure reading. I also talked to many other WW2 vets, all in their 90s, to get info about what was going on down there then with gay men. Thanks for reading!

Great that you are enjoying it to that extent. I know what you mean. It's hard to find something to read that's so thoroughly well-written and gripping. I may write a niche genre but I still throw myself into it and strive to make realistic characters and a story one doesn't want to put down. I've had offers to pare the book down, make it only about Johnny and Jason, cut out most of the sex and make it monogamous. But nah, I know it's more realistic as is and it gets plenty of attention on Wattpad. :)

@sanmariano ur welcome and im more than enjoying it! its such an awesome story and I can tell a lot of thought went behind it which is hard to find with stories (aka actual books written in stores and stuff) now a days. I look forward to reading more stories you either have written or will write in the future. (and thank you for leaving a message to someone like me btw :3)