
Hi everyone!
          	There’s a new An Elemental Curse drawing out now
          	Check out the chapter called Artwork in An Elemental Curse to see the new drawing 
          	I hope you all like it and have a great day :)


@Ry5pink ooh imma check that out now!!! Miss your drawing Ry!!! Hope you're doing alright :D <3


Hi everyone!
          Soooo I rewrote chapter one of An Elemental Curse. Again. 
          I know I kept redoing it, but I promise this is the last time. 
          I’ve just learned a lot more about writing, especially fight scenes. And I really wanted to make this chapter’s events much more tense and exciting to read. So I rewrote it again. It’s pretty much the same events but written in a much more interesting and exciting way. Plus I’ve developed more of the story’s plot and wanted to include more foreshadowing. 
          I hope you all like it and have a great day/night :)


Hi everyone! 
          Sooo I rewrote two short stories I had originally wrote a while ago. They’re about Ry and her family and a little about her friends during seasons 8 and 9 (Sons of Garmadon and Hunted). 
          I just shared the stories in my book called Ry’s Family & Childhood in the chapter called Fear or Faith? 
          I hope you all like them and get to learn a little more about Ry and her life before she becomes a ninja. 
          Hope you all have a great day/night :)


Hi everyone!
          I was wondering if anyone would be interested in me sharing short chapter descriptions for An Elemental Curse. 
          The descriptions wouldn’t really spoil anything major about the plot, but be more like teasers for the story. It would be kinda like how the Ninjago episode descriptions sometimes come out before the actual episodes are released. 
          Since I finally have the majority of each chapter planned out, I want to share these descriptions, especially since I haven’t shared anything in a while and I’m really sorry about that. But I can’t wait to share the rest of the story with all of you 
          Hope you all have a great day/night :)


Check out the Artwork chapter in An Elemental Curse to see a poem I wrote/drew which has some foreshadowing of future events that’ll happen throughout the story. 
          Also more drawings will be coming soon!! 
          I hope you all like it and have a great day/night :)


Hi everyone!
          I published a section in An Elemental Curse where I’ll be sharing my drawings related to the story. So far I’ve only added one drawing, but I’ll be sharing more soon. I hope you all like my drawings. 
          Also I’m working on finishing more chapters and hope to get more of them out soon. I’m so sorry for the long wait. Thank you all for being patient. I really appreciate it. 
          I hope you all have a great day/night :)


Hi everyone :)
          Just so you know I’m making some minor changes to the chapters of An Elemental Curse that are already out. There’s no extreme changes so you won’t need to reread them to understand what’s going on if you’ve already read them, but you can if you want to. I’ve edited up to chapter 4 already. 
          Also I’m still working on the next chapters. I am so sorry I haven’t been able to finish them yet. Hopefully I can finish and share them soon. And I’m working on drawing a cover for An Elemental Curse too 
          I hope you all are enjoying the story and have a great day/night :)


Hi everyone! 
          I’m so sorry that I haven’t updated any more chapters of An Elemental Curse in a while. I am still working on it (the next chapter is about halfway done) so hopefully I’ll be able to finish it and share it soon. I’ve just been very busy lately and haven’t had a lot of motivation, but I am still going to continue writing this story and hopefully many more after. 
          Also I just wanted to thank you all so so much for your support. It means so incredibly much to me that you all like my stories and my oc Ry. Thank you so so much and I hope you all have a great day/night :)


@amazingwen Aww thank you so so much that means a lot to me and I can’t wait to share more chapters :) 


@ninjaforge17 Hi, I’ve missed you too and thank you so much I really appreciate it :)


Hey ry, I missed you so much. I hope that however you feel, I hope you feel better and return soon <3