
Hello everyone, I sincerely hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and I would like to thank you all for your patience and support, it really means so much to me! With the wedding and holidays over, I can finally return to what I love doing and I'm happy to announce a new chapter to Violent Delights is now live! I hope you all enjoy it and keep an eye out for the next chapter!


Hello everyone, I sincerely hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and I would like to thank you all for your patience and support, it really means so much to me! With the wedding and holidays over, I can finally return to what I love doing and I'm happy to announce a new chapter to Violent Delights is now live! I hope you all enjoy it and keep an eye out for the next chapter!


I wish to thank my readers for their patience as they await the next postings of my work- your continued support means a lot to me and as things began to settle in my personal life, I will continue to post more frequently!


Would you like to see a second chapter to "Violent Delights"?


@RynBadger Honestly, I would love to read a sequel. I'm so thirsty for it I'd be willing to commission it into existence...♡


@Un33corn aw Ty so much! I'm happy u liked it, the subject matter can be touchy for some but I think the story came together nicely and there's room to build! 


@RynBadger I would lol. I just finished it and it's so good!