Soon I will be posting another main story that I worked on a while back. It is short in it's current state but just like mirrors it will be continuously updated.


I am happy to announce that I have finished one of my more refined works for one of my more refined characters Edge. If you are to check out any of my shorts Internal Bonds would be my personal suggestion. To give a clearer image of what these shorts are for they are to give a true image of the character themselves that may not be displayed within my first base story Mirrors. Their more personal and intimate situation and relatiinships. They will slowly be released throughout my base stories to give a full understanding of each character. I hope everyone has had a positive start to the new year. Never lose the focus of your creative mind.


Happy new year everyone!!! Late yes but unfortunately the word busy is an understatement for me. Hope everyone has had a good year and move on to an even better one. What's your new year resolution? Mine are quite simple but the main is to be happy, stay positive, and to make the most out of the year. I want to grow in the literary arts and at least add 10 more elements to my craft that i had not before as well. Just as I wish to spend more time here on wattpad, Grow, and share this journey with you all. Never let your creativity die. It's what makes us unique!


Merry Christmas to all! Hope everyone has the opportunity to embrace and enjoy it. Carols, Presents, Family, loved ones, the whole nine. After such pick up a good book and end the day with a bang. Happy holidays.


Hello all. In recent many poems and shorts have been published since the First critical Moment of Mirrors: Spirit and Soul. There has been a lack of focus but I assure you that the story itself will continue strong and the schedule will follow as such (Chapter>Short>Chapter>Short) for as long as I have idea's for both. A much greater focus will be placed into writing and publishing here as writing is a passion of mine and hopefully entertainment for you all.