
Hello! I have a new book, The Horizon of Tomorrow! I am going to publish the first chapter tomorrow! :·)


So, if anyone other than my buddy is reading this, (hi aub) youre probably wondering, HEY where the heck have you been? 
          Well! I have been nowhere. Well, I went to missouri for a weekend, last year, but thats unrelated. I've been super unmotivated and whatnot. 
          Now, if youre reading this in hopes of knowing when the next update on that book you were reading of mine is going to be, good and bad news!
          good news, i have an answer for you, bad news, the answer is never. 
          I have made a V E R Y easy desision to discontinue and unpublish all my books. 
          "Sarah, what the heck?! I was reading that!" you may say to yourself has you read the previous sentence. 
          Well, I am sorry but you've gotta admit to yourself they were pretty awful. 
          But, in the case that you already knew that and didnt care, I have a new short story out, called 5475 days. Its about a young couple who experience some expecially difficult times and are fighting to find a way through it. HEy , you know what, you really should just go read it! 
          Also, if you read this far, thank you (aub) and please, if you havent already, go read 5475 days! 
          I love you, and I hope you enjoy my book!


@Sarah--Nicole hey, do you have instagram? 


Cool I'm gonna add you


Thank you for voting on my story it means a lot to me!


I hope you enjoy reading!