
Why are people still following me? I take way too long to update stuff, in Dan speed :( but I still love you all <3


@Lord_Cormac Holaa!!! Im sorry i dont speak spanish heheh


Why are people still following me? I take way too long to update stuff, in Dan speed :( but I still love you all <3


@Lord_Cormac Holaa!!! Im sorry i dont speak spanish heheh


Just wanted tell you guys how much I love you all!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤


Heyyy my babies  I'm reallllllllllllly sorrrrrrrrrryyyyy. I'm actually sorry for the fact that every convo on here is me apologizing for the lack of updates. ;A; I have exams! I bet you guys might be thinking (SERIOUSLY HOW MANY EXAMS DOES THIS GIRL GIVES!???!) TBH  I have no idea myself, our school has a very great reputation but it ain't great at all in my opinion. -_- aaaaaand that's not all of it! It's literally trying to end this semester in the most sonic ass speed this time. Ugghhhh guys I will try to update whenever I procrastinate in studies


Guys! Thank u so much for 45 followers! Honestly, it's a big number for me (because you know I got no friends and all ;_;) thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!!!! Also, I'M DEEPLY SORRY FOR NO UPDATES. I'M SLOWER THAN A GRANDMA! SCHOOL WAS A PAIN AND NOW I FINALLY MID TERM BREAK SO I'LL BE WRITING ASAP. TYSM ILYSM!!!