
Hi lovelies! And new followers, please do not read my book called 'Is this Love' because it is not completed. I just wanted to warn you because at the end when you reaf my last chapter which is not really a chapter you'll be disappointed because I'm not going to update that story anymore. I cant update it because it was my first experience and... It wasn't good enough, i couldn't make up a story and don't know how to end it 


Thank you so much for following! It means a lot ❣


Also could you check out my story "Never Will I Ever" ?


I was planning to! :) I'll add it to one of my reading lists, also.


Hi lovelies! And new followers, please do not read my book called 'Is this Love' because it is not completed. I just wanted to warn you because at the end when you reaf my last chapter which is not really a chapter you'll be disappointed because I'm not going to update that story anymore. I cant update it because it was my first experience and... It wasn't good enough, i couldn't make up a story and don't know how to end it 


Hi sadlonelygirl018 i have a story as well maybe we can read each others story and spread the word xo 


@tage15 Hi! Read my new story its called 'Teenage love' i'll really appreciate that and i really hope you enjoy it ☺


Thanks for follow


@honiluvsarceus please checkout my story its called 'teenage love' ill appreciate that give it a a vote and a comment and spread the word ☺