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I’m so fucking tired I feel like I could sleep all day.


Update from the previous post:
          I’m sick :(


@Sad_AleXela oh no :( make sure you rest


Ok I need your help 
          So basically I just had a random burst of motivation so I guess I’m writing a chaipunk story now
          But one itty bitty problem-
          I’m not good at writing 
          Please help


@Iamgoingtohangmyself THATS THE WORD INDEED️️‼️


It’s been so long, sorry! I will go back to writing my book as soon as I can.
          Today I just got home from vacay and I’m NOT feeling well. Like I’m about to faint any second. I’m going to rest for a while and maybe (just maybe) today I will post a new chapter.


@Sad_AleXela I’m glad your back! I’m also taking the day off of school because I’m sick. Make sure you rest <3


I know no one will read this anyways, but I just want to say I’ve been feeling less motivated lately, today I cried a lot for a specific reason I won’t address since it’s personal.
          So, I tried writing another chapter of my book, but my mind went completely blank. I even tried to look up ideas, but it didn’t help much.
          I’ll just lay in my bed at 1am, thinking about why this is happening and feeling like I should be productive instead of being a helpless waste of oxygen.
          Anyways, toodles!