
Listen people please read this book it is so wonderfully written and it is absolutely AMAZING!!!! I was put here on earth just to read this book it was so wonderfully different than a lot of books on here it had romance,action, and just about every other thing in it it will give you sooooo many feels you will not be able to put it down I about had a heart attack when my phone died and I couldn't find the charger if that tells you anything. So please read!!!!!!!!


@saddleseatrider it doesn't get any better than this.


Wow thanks for all your votes on the Cyborg's Daughter and Cyborg's pet - it's a total honour having a fabulous reader like you. 
          thanks and hug hugs. 


@The-Scrivener my friends are tired of hearing me talk about it so they started reading it


@The-Scrivener it was a joy to read i wish it never ended!


We can't reward you with much but fine words and this token of our appreciation.  If we could we would, be proudly certain of that fact.


Listen people please read this book it is so wonderfully written and it is absolutely AMAZING!!!! I was put here on earth just to read this book it was so wonderfully different than a lot of books on here it had romance,action, and just about every other thing in it it will give you sooooo many feels you will not be able to put it down I about had a heart attack when my phone died and I couldn't find the charger if that tells you anything. So please read!!!!!!!!


@saddleseatrider it doesn't get any better than this.


We saw your vote and just had to write back with our thanks saddleseatrider   for your reading and  magnificent votes on  I'm a Cyborg's Pet . we hug you like a soviet leader to a bold cosmonaut 


@The-Scrivener i just really want to thank you... This is the only book that made me feel this way beside the infernal devices series. Really and truly thank you. 


@The-Scrivener  i just wanted you to know that i read your book in like 2 days! It made have so many feelings and i am completey in love with it. I literally cried when rockwood was shot and when jenny saw the video of Rockwood  that zola  gave her!!!!! I do believe that i was put here on earth just to read your books!!!!!!! I would so go and buy the book if it ever was published you really should get it published also it should be made into a movie except you guys should be the directors and make sure every part of the story is put in it i am in love!!!    