
Do you guys prefer male or female pronouns for the Starlights? Anything different for human form? Or just 'they?'


They're female in the manga
          	  Male that transforms to female in the anime.


@SailorCallisto In human form, I do male. Transformed, female


I really  love sailor moon, I have been watching it since I was 14 years old,after all these years, their redapt the series and seàons,I am always disappointed there introduced sailor earth, even though edymion is the Prince of earth,there shall have a sensei of earth,to tell the other side of edymion  past ,his sister rule the earth with him,she looking for the crystal to find past memories of her earth memeory,and her friendship of serenity her first friend,how them become best friends. What do you think?


Do you guys prefer male or female pronouns for the Starlights? Anything different for human form? Or just 'they?'


They're female in the manga
            Male that transforms to female in the anime.


@SailorCallisto In human form, I do male. Transformed, female


Hey! So I've been having a lot of HaruMichi feels lately and want to do another fic about them. Yeah sure, I'm already working on like four or whatever but this one really struck me as something cool. It would take place right before they became senshi. Here is the premise that I typed up a couple days ago:
          "Haruka has always been a runner. It’s all she’s known; running till nobody, no problems, not even the wind can keep up. Yet something is missing- something on the edges of her memories that needs to be fulfilled. With bags under her eyes and a shadow over her mind, she realizes that running cannot sate the thirst. Haruka needs to drown in the depths of the sea where not even pain of her’s intensity can set foot- Haruka needs to jump. 
                Stuck between the heart of the sea and the end of pain, Haruka finds herself not only drowning in the sea that she has so long wanted to kill herself in but in her own heart. What irony that Michiru- while being the embodiment of the sea- is the only thing keeping Haruka afloat in the tempest that is her mind."
          So yeah, kinda depressing but might have potential if staged correctly. What do you think?


This is my new record! I'm at 90,000 words for my story in around three months and still counting! might actually have a chance at conquering NaNoWriMo this year. Although with only a rate of 30,000 per month, it would take a lot to get to 50,000... eh, its just for fun anyway. 
          Y'all have a good day!


Pssst hey what are your ships man


Heyy! thanks for the message! hmmm there are literally so many.....but OTP is definitely HaruMichi, then Usagi/Mamo....and then one from the Lunar Chronicles- Jacinter. Gerita is also pretty high on the list along with Ausswiss (austrisa x switzerland from Hetalia.) those are the main ones but there are so freaking many. 
            Hbu? guessing you ship Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon by your name.....
            Hey, once again, thanks for the message! You seem pretty cool


Do you find Ami and Makoto in any kind of relationship?


@TheySayImAnAngel huh, yeah maybe! its canon that Mako likes girls (she had a crush on Haruka. but tbh, who doesn't????) And neither of them really have a love interest except for the Four Kings of Heaven (but nobody really counts them.) So, sure! never really considered it much till you brought it up but it all makes sense! Als0 remember the episode when Mercury's skirt flipped up and Mako was just like 'whaaaaa' and stared at it. X'D


hey, i love your books, are you going to ever write original fanfic? and what source are you using for these?


Hi @JacinClxy! Thank you for following and voting on my stories! Your feedback was really helpful, thank YOU!! Um, yeah I'm probably going to do some fairly original fanfiction that is based off of mentions from the show. If you private message me then I can maybe tell you more....
            The original Sailor Moon anime was the first anime I ever really watched and that's how I got hooked. I found the mangas around the same time as Crystal came out and have been reading them at about the same time as the streaming show. When the mangas don't have enough info to write a scene, I reference Crystal. If you want free anime, the Kissanime app has a whole bunch of free ones. 
            Hey, it's cool that our profiles sorta match....and you ship Harichiru....