Hello there! It is I, your friendly neighborhood amazing person! If you're looking for a story, I'll be putting one out soon. The rest of my books are jokes, and I hope none of you ever see them! 

"I know less than half of you half of well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
-Bilbo Baggins
  • RegistrertApril 15, 2015


Last Message
SakoNova SakoNova Aug 22, 2015 03:12AM
@gvgmek Wow. Such deep. Many emotion. Amaze. Much help. Anywho, the entwining of life and self written books can lead to monumental disasters including revealing classified information, personal data...
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Story by SakoNova
Time Lapse by SakoNova
Time Lapse
This is a story of a quirky time traveler, who makes a turn for the worse as he enters limbo, the time withou...