
Hii, hope everyone is doing alright!
          	I wanted to come on here and quickly clarify my boundaries because it's something I've realized desperately required a reminder and also an update, so please bear with me:
          	1. Writing is my private bubble that only a select few people in my private life know about, so I beg you to keep it that way. If you have any comments, or questions for me about my writing, then keep them on here— DO NOT bring them onto other platforms!
          	2. Please refer from digging into my private life, following my friends, family members and even messaging people who once were or currently are a part of my life in one way or another— even if you have no malicious intent, it feels intrusive and highly uncomfortable... (This is also why I no longer have my socials linked, and never will again.)
          	3. Please note that I am an adult, do not flirt or make inappropriate comments directed at me— ESPECIALLY if you are a minor, but even if you're not, please refrain from it as well. It's highly inappropriate.
          	4. I do not feel comfortable befriending minors either, so I hope that can be respected. I hope it's clear that it's not something personal to the individuals asking, but rather a question of power imbalance due to the age difference and my personal discomfort around it because of that.
          	5. Please stop asking me to promote your books, profiles, or social media platforms— I completely understand the struggle of being a smaller creator and there are a lot of super talented and underrated people on here, but please understand that if I do it for one person, then I need to do it for everyone in order to be fair. 
          	Those are the currently most relevant boundaries I felt the need to clarify for now!
          	Anyway, I sincerely want to thank everyone who has been so understanding and patient with me while I navigate my life emergencies. You've given me such grace during this difficult time, and I am incredibly grateful!
          	Kind regards,


@_luxar__ That's alright, just keep topics related to writing on here!


@SakuraFlowah I agree with you and I hope other people respect you boundaries too 
          	  I do sometimes message you on insta, is that alright? 


@Timetoenjoy247 if I may be transparent for a second, I'm actually not doing well at all and that's why I've been absent for such a long time and not updating at all— I feel awful about it so I'm really sorry but also thanks for checking in and hope you're doing well!


Hello! How are you! Hope you are fine just checking out everyone... I guess you will remember me, the one who took your interview a long time back.


Hello, yes of course I remember you! Hope you're doing well Ryeoshim!
            Also I'm trying my best, things are still a chaotic mess in my personal life so all my energy unfortunately goes to that right now! 


Guyssss,  Bora's account is gone it's not their anymore Wth happened does anyone know????


@SakuraFlowah Oh I’m so sorry. I wish her and her family the best


@_luxar__ Yes, i really loved her all the stories ❤️ ♥️ May she rest in peace


@Btsarmy_ipurpleyou7 Bora was a really cherished writer who passed away a while back, may they rest in peace 


Hello author...
          Do you have any tips how we can abide by Wattpad's guidelines related to writing.
          Because I got thaf I am eligible for creator's program but I fear if I fill form after that my works would get deleted.
          So any tips.


Hello! I suggest reading through the content guidelines that Wattpad has on their website, it runs it down in a simple but efficient way and as long as you follow those rules you're all good! If you have something specific youonot understanding or concerned about then don't hesitate to reach out!