
Wattpad has removed Tortured Angel for its mature content. Even though it was all correctly labeled and full of warning that its content is very violent. Sorry for any inconveniences this may have brought any readers. 


My phone is super messed up and I will be having to get a new one soon. I may end up losing my account since I can't seem to remember the password. ._. so I may have to make another account. I will try to move my stories over to the new one, if that really does happen. 


@SaliorNeptune Yeah, I didn't realize that till I downloaded all the apps on my new phone. Super thankful I was able to make a new password for this account. 


@SaliorNeptune hi just started following you and got a new phone also so I can tell you that if you have signed in through Facebook or Google it will automatically do it


I am slowly getting back into the groove of my works. This may seem slow but I am going to work on each one at a slow pace. I am going to finish just like you first since I only have one more chapter I want to work on. After I really want to give my Sweeney Todd story some much need TLC. Thank you all for being supportive and understanding with me. 


Not too sure what to focus on next. So I'm gonna ask my readers. Out of any of my stories which one should I update? Or make a second part of?


@sailorkitty314 I will get on that now.


@SaliorNeptune I like double insane I'm really interested and invested in the story


@SaliorNeptune Sorry for the late reply but I'll definitely update that next. 