(For sally)
           In a dark gloomy night, a girl no older than five years old stumble across a dark gloomy mansion. Of course, as a little innocent girl she went and knock on the dark gloomy mansion door and an old dark gloomy man answered the door. The old dark gloomy man looked surprised to find such a little innocent girl at the door, did she ever heard of 'beware of strangers '? As the old dark gloomy man looked deep into the little innocent girl's eyes, he saw a dark gloomy eyes stared back in to his blood red eyes . He wondered how does the girl went from little innocent to a dark gloomy person. The girl said '.............'


@ValarieCamalia This shall be called the 'Gloomy Story' 


sup brah


@kiropao the cringe level here is over 9999 lol