
Hello people! I’m not dead! And to prove I am still working on my OC story No One, I present to you my favorite quotes that may or may not make the final cut: 
          	Preston: “A friendship bracelet? Aren’t you a little old to be a Swiftie?”
          	Also Preston: “Wait wait wait. Master? What kind of kinky BDSM fan club is this?”
          	Mysterious female character: “You’re no fun. But I guess that’s what marriage does to a man. Domesticates him.”
          	Same mysterious female character: “Oh? I can see why you’re in such high demand. You’re good with your fingers.”
          	So progress is slow, but I’ve hit a huge burst of inspiration recently, so it’s going faster than it has been in the last few years. It’s been a challenge to write, but this challenge was made with the intention of making me a better author, and I’m hoping it’s doing just that. I’m so excited to share the final product with y’all! Hopefully it won’t be another 5-6 years before then… 


Hello people! I’m not dead! And to prove I am still working on my OC story No One, I present to you my favorite quotes that may or may not make the final cut: 
          Preston: “A friendship bracelet? Aren’t you a little old to be a Swiftie?”
          Also Preston: “Wait wait wait. Master? What kind of kinky BDSM fan club is this?”
          Mysterious female character: “You’re no fun. But I guess that’s what marriage does to a man. Domesticates him.”
          Same mysterious female character: “Oh? I can see why you’re in such high demand. You’re good with your fingers.”
          So progress is slow, but I’ve hit a huge burst of inspiration recently, so it’s going faster than it has been in the last few years. It’s been a challenge to write, but this challenge was made with the intention of making me a better author, and I’m hoping it’s doing just that. I’m so excited to share the final product with y’all! Hopefully it won’t be another 5-6 years before then… 




@Queen_in_a_Suit I’ve been lurking in PMs mostly, but even then I’m not on a ton. 


@Queen_in_a_Suit ok. It's been a hot minutes since I've seen ya one 


I’ve posted the Fantasy Roleplay book I was talking about before! Nothing Roleplay-able is up yet but I’m planning on posting the first part tomorrow, so for now you’re welcome to read the rules and put your character forms in if you’re interested!


Wattpad’s new dark mode is beautiful like omg wow


@JerryTeddy For iPhones, it’s just turning on dark mode for your phone. Wattpad has some book out explaining how to do it for androids too. 


@ Bloxiegirl123  How do you do the dark mode? 


So the story I started called No One was designed to be difficult, but good lord I didn’t realize how hard it’d be. I know it’s improving my writing skills by focusing on parts that I struggle, but I literally have rewritten a chapter twice now and I still hate it. Progress is slow but it’s coming. Hoping to get it done by next summer. Don’t hold me to it though. 


Me, getting an idea: I’m finally doing the thing... Is this what it felt like to write all those years ago? How much will I get done?
          *writes five words*
          Well then...


@missmatched123 XD writing is such a struggle 


Totally describes me as well xD