
Eyyyy. This account is D.E.A.D. I will (most likely) not post anymore Hamilton stuff. The only other stories I might do will be some random thing I've been morking on. I'm really sorry, but if you wanna see more of me I have an art instagram- @boop_art Thanks guys for all the amazing time on this account. I will never forget it. 


Eyyyy. This account is D.E.A.D. I will (most likely) not post anymore Hamilton stuff. The only other stories I might do will be some random thing I've been morking on. I'm really sorry, but if you wanna see more of me I have an art instagram- @boop_art Thanks guys for all the amazing time on this account. I will never forget it. 


What is this "fake" sickness 
          I don't have a temperature
          There's nothing there to show.
          But somehow there's a sickness inside.
          There's a cold, a strep? 
          There's a feeling of constant pain, 
          A mist of puking,
          Or to the ache in my throat that lingers  there, no matter what,  
          A feeling of a painkiller slowly being taken away to leave a throbbing pain and loneliness, 
          The feeling of hot flashes, to the bitter coldness of the sheet of comfort being lifted away, 
          Eating to much is holding a burden to much to handle and hold, so much that you must painfully and sickly puke up the feeling of it. 


Why is everything so cold
          I'm surrounded by something
          It's unnameable, indescribable
          It will be overlooked not felt
          But I somehow always feel it.
          I can't feel so many other things
          The feeling of comfort,
          The colors I'm supposed to feel
          are cold at my touch
          I wish I could feel the normal feelings.
          But I can only feel the dark one,
          the one that seems always to be there
          always a chill up my spine 
          wretched figures I can feel move in my mind. 
          I can here many voices,  The cold gathers. 
          Voices from a minute ago,
          A year, 
          even to the made up voices to a character in a book or a story, 
          A voice, oh so indescribable.


I'm going on a hiatus from Wattpad and shìt because school is making this just a hassle to do. I already have a lot of other things to worry about and writing is something I don't have a lot of time for. I don't know how long this hiatus will be but I'll try to write in here and there. Thanks for understanding. Buuu byeeee....