
Shann here - I've been gone for a very long time. For various reasons, I won't share the intense details. If you've been a follower for a VERY long time, then you might have some small indications as to why.
          	As for everyone who wants to know a small detail of my long absence, it is VERY personal and it DOES involve some slow self-healing over time. Just think of it as: 'every bad thing you could think of rolled into one.'
          	And that - it reflected upon my nature of perseverance, determination, and motivation. 
          	Expect some slow updates on a few books, because it is not possible for me to do so as I can easily get stressed and overwork myself. This is especially true as I am working as a Freelance Artist and as a YouTube Content Creator all at the same time.
          	So please, be patient if you do or did have a favorite book that you have read of mine. Thank you for your time.~~


Shann here - I've been gone for a very long time. For various reasons, I won't share the intense details. If you've been a follower for a VERY long time, then you might have some small indications as to why.
          As for everyone who wants to know a small detail of my long absence, it is VERY personal and it DOES involve some slow self-healing over time. Just think of it as: 'every bad thing you could think of rolled into one.'
          And that - it reflected upon my nature of perseverance, determination, and motivation. 
          Expect some slow updates on a few books, because it is not possible for me to do so as I can easily get stressed and overwork myself. This is especially true as I am working as a Freelance Artist and as a YouTube Content Creator all at the same time.
          So please, be patient if you do or did have a favorite book that you have read of mine. Thank you for your time.~~


Hey, how's everyone doing on their first month of the new year? 
          I hope you're on your seats because I've got news! I've just joined 'The Bloom Community' where they have awards and other projects in hand like graphic and writing contests.
          If you know anyone who would like to join in a loving community or one yourself, then please by all means make a stop at The Bloom Community! Go to their hiring book where you can join as a Promoter, Graphic Designer, Reviewer, Judge, and etc. !!


Took me too long to do a short post, but here's the prologue to The Reaper's Song! I got busy all day with personal stuff, so more chapters will come later tonight.
          Also, thank you to BrendaDaaeDestler for making the book cover! Go to her profile for her graphic shop if you want one done!
          See you in the next chapters! ~~~