
Holaa ¿Cómo están? Perdón por el spam.
          Te parece si nos apoyamos mutuamente ?
          Leyendo y votando nuestras historias ❤️
          Estoy promocionando mi primer novela. Es un romance adolescente que trata temas como la amistad, la familia y la vida universitaria.
          Té invito a leerla y si te gustó votar en ella.
          Espero qué les guste, gracias por leer ❤️✨️



Hello, I'm sorry for plugging.
          I just wanna share to you the story I've made titled 'Dandelions in the Wind'
          "Just as dandelion seeds are carried away by the wind, love and moments can also drift away unexpectedly or gradually fade over"

          Pls do votes, thank you!


Hi there, it's me, a super new author in the field,
          Inspired by Sonal_writes, my creativity is revealed.
          Chapter 1,2&3 of my debut book are out,
          Love, humor, and business, that's what it's all about!
          Join me on this literary journey so grand,
          Where emotions and laughter go hand in hand.
          Check out the book and let the adventure begin,
          With love, humor, and business, let the story win! ✨