
also uh started a new story so that’s cool, and welcome new followers if you haven’t been here before :-)


Random thought after watching Frozen II,
          someone made an animatic
          of the song “The next right thing”
          but with lapis after she leaves earth with the barn
          and it’s set between then and when the diamonds invade and has her being conflicted about her decision and shiz,,, gahhh
          i wish i was good at art so i could make it myself but like


this message may be offensive
so... it’s been a while... 
          around 2(?) years 
          i’m really sorry that i kinda just fell off the face of the planet lmao
          unfortunately i don’t remember what was going on in ‘Ninety Days’ which kinda sucks because it was going really well :/ 
          not sure what to say, but maybe i’ll try and continue it?? we’ll see?? 
          i’m a senior now tho so like i have a lot of shit goin on in school so uhhhh don’t got much time anymore. 
          again, i’m really sorry to those who were reading and enjoying that fic. i wish i had it in me to try and complete it.