
this message may be offensive
Yo if you don’t support Black Lives Matter, fucking unfollow me, block me idfc if you are that shitty of a person that you turn a blind eye to blatant racism that has been happening FOR YEARS against black people FUCK YOU, if you don’t support black queer lives fuck off, deal with your bs somewhere else but I’m not dealing with your racist bs so fuck off


this message may be offensive
Yo if you don’t support Black Lives Matter, fucking unfollow me, block me idfc if you are that shitty of a person that you turn a blind eye to blatant racism that has been happening FOR YEARS against black people FUCK YOU, if you don’t support black queer lives fuck off, deal with your bs somewhere else but I’m not dealing with your racist bs so fuck off


Happy national boyfriend day, anyone wanna be my boyfriend today?


@Satans1st_SugarBoi I don't got no boyfriend either we can pretend 


Bro Diego I'm brother has wattpad!


It's a stupid story


I'm dead is my book name read it.It is a good story


  Oh my god I’m dead XD


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I regret trusting someone, I have to see him everyday and I can’t stop it. This person knows what they’re doing yet they keep stabbing me in the back just fuck you 


Well thank you I really appreciate this and for the guy he’s trying to make it up to me it’s still kinda weird but he’s trying. And again thank you for thinking my bio is funny took me a while to get it like that 


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@Alex_PNE Whoa, buddy, I just came here to follow you because I thought your demeanor was very nice and your bio was hilarious.
            Are you alright? 
            People can only hurt you if you give them that power, and this dude...if he continues to put you in a position where you're losing more than gaining by keeping up a relationship (whether it be friendship or something more) with this person, then leave them. Even if they're friends with your friends and you're forced to see each other every day, minimize interactions with him. Ignore him when you're in a group. Cut him out. The boy ain't worth any of this shit.


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Everyone I want you to know I am sucking dick for cocaine but not just anyone’s dick it’s Satan’s also for money so I can buy me stuff like merch but he isn’t paying up so it’s getting pretty fucking irritating LIKE IM SUCKING YOUR FICK GIVE ME MONEY SATAN
          JK I am an innocent child that goes to high school and want to get good grades