
          I have read this untold stories you have written on wordpress and i have so loved it! 
          I so wanted to read your next story unexpectedly expected for which i have downloaded India Forum and am very much new on that app i have tried to reading 2 part but i think its password protected or something so please can i get access to read it further? 
          Thank you! 


Hi Sabi....I had a chance to read unexpectedly unexpected and it was hilarious. I completed the whole story in one day and was laughing throughout. I came across your blog and found PRESCRIBED INSANITY, but only 2 chapters are available there and the rest of the links are blank. From there i found that it's available in Wattpad. Will you be updating the complete story here?
          Also, please let me know if you have the complete index of your other stories. I would love to read all.