
Story idea the 2nd Notes:
          	Wild Man Of The Wild West And His Wicked Name: Colton Jack(s) OR Jackson Colt(s) OR Colt(en) Jackson OR Jack(son) Colton
          	Mischievous outlaw. Playful villain. Overly fond of booze and poker, a man who'd be no good if only he weren't so charming. A delightful degenerate, he prefers winks and grins over powder and lead when it comes to shooting. And though lord knows he's an outlaw criminal, no one knows what crime he committed (besides outwitting the law man and evoking profound jealousy in that mean ole sheriff.) 
          	And though he looked like a wicked angel, not a woman in town was dumb enough to give her heart to him. After all, he wasn't really the marrying type. Gentle giant he was though, in his heart of hearts he yearned for a loving marriage and a partner to soothe his lonesome wounds. And buried even deeper in that deceptively kind heart, he knew exactly which woman it was that he yearned to call wife. Twas the same woman he'd been in love with his entire life, and he'd rather die than give up the delightful pain of loving her. Unfortunately, he knew better than to think a woman like her could ever want a rogue like him.
          	Then he hears that the lawman is intent on having her no matter what it takes, and despite any objections she may have. Our hero may be able to stop him, but does he have the courage to admit to her his feelings and face her possible rejection? And can he really outwit that wicked lawman, when the stakes are this high, and when the odds are stacked against him so? The only way to know is if he tries.


@SavTheBookBandit i am a sucker for outlaws and falling in love


Story idea the 2nd Notes:
          Wild Man Of The Wild West And His Wicked Name: Colton Jack(s) OR Jackson Colt(s) OR Colt(en) Jackson OR Jack(son) Colton
          Mischievous outlaw. Playful villain. Overly fond of booze and poker, a man who'd be no good if only he weren't so charming. A delightful degenerate, he prefers winks and grins over powder and lead when it comes to shooting. And though lord knows he's an outlaw criminal, no one knows what crime he committed (besides outwitting the law man and evoking profound jealousy in that mean ole sheriff.) 
          And though he looked like a wicked angel, not a woman in town was dumb enough to give her heart to him. After all, he wasn't really the marrying type. Gentle giant he was though, in his heart of hearts he yearned for a loving marriage and a partner to soothe his lonesome wounds. And buried even deeper in that deceptively kind heart, he knew exactly which woman it was that he yearned to call wife. Twas the same woman he'd been in love with his entire life, and he'd rather die than give up the delightful pain of loving her. Unfortunately, he knew better than to think a woman like her could ever want a rogue like him.
          Then he hears that the lawman is intent on having her no matter what it takes, and despite any objections she may have. Our hero may be able to stop him, but does he have the courage to admit to her his feelings and face her possible rejection? And can he really outwit that wicked lawman, when the stakes are this high, and when the odds are stacked against him so? The only way to know is if he tries.


@SavTheBookBandit i am a sucker for outlaws and falling in love


Story Notes the 1st (pt 2)
          Voluntarily commits herself to psych ward to get help/escape haunting (even if she won't admit it to anyone but herself.) Begins to feel better and at ease, until the weekend ends and she meets her new psychiatrist. It's the thing that thinks it owns her, and it's not letting her escape now that it finally has her. End there (?)
          (Or end with her dying? Show her terrified and being killed by thing/doctor, then show family being informed of the fact that she purposely od-ed on psych meds that she had saved instead of swallowing. Leave it purposely unclear as to whether she was truly being haunted or had gone insane.)
          (Edit: 4-13-21 omfg just realize I wrote "on the knows," )


Story Notes The 1st (pt 2):
          Voluntarily commits herself to psych ward to get help/escape haunting (even if she won't admit it to anyone but herself.) Begins to feel better and at ease, until the weekend ends and she meets her new psychiatrist. It's the thing that thinks it owns her, and it's not letting her escape now that it finally has her. End there (?)
          (Or end with her dying? Show her terrified and being killed by thing/doctor, then show family being informed of the fact that she purposely od-ed on psych meds that she had saved instead of swallowing. Leave it purposely unclear as to whether she was truly being haunted or had gone insane.)
          (Edit: 4-13-21 omfg just realize I wrote "on the knows," )


Story Idea The 1st Notes (pt 1):
          About a woman and how every man to love her has something tragic occur to them, if they don't outright die. 
          First her father, he dies when she's either still child or preteen; suicide (?) 
          Then, her high school sweetheart dies at age 19, their freshman year of college. In cancun/other vacation spot, spring break, alcohol poisoning.
          Finally her husband dies on the date of their first (?) anniversary, car accident perhaps. Too on the nose if he's getting her flowers?
          Two other men she's dated have had something tragic happen, that helped break them up. Will workshop more later, but possibly have one be dumped after he loses his job and everything else and either becomes a drunk or cheats or something like that. Have other one move home far away to be closer to family after twin sister/mother/someone super close in his family dies.
          After death of husband, she starts experiencing signs of a haunting that at first seem to be him, then the other two in reverse order of their deaths. Eventually comes to see there's something else behind it/something making them do it, that thinks it owns her. 
          All minor things. Wedding song begins to play by itself. Nightmares of father. Broken picture frame. Names written on car windows. Etc.
          Seeks consul from a faith leader. Priest maybe? Then voice shifts into husband's/school bf/fathers and says something scary before shifting back to regular voice of priest at her questioning of it.
          Begins escalating. Starts hearing them and someone/thing else calling to her. Seeing creepy stuff. becomes terrified and unable to hide it from people who care.
          Comes to realize she's the only one hearing/seeing the haunting. Is given reason to believe she's imagining it, sick from grief as she is. As she comes to accept this more and more, she begins to realize she's not actually haunted but actually overwhelmed by grief and needs to seek help.


@LadyDreamWeaver90 aww, thank you. I plan to start working on the outline for it, in just a little bit, actually (:


@SavTheBookBandit no didn't look yet but i can't wait til you start writing it.


Hey guys, not sure anyone following me will care, since I haven't uploaded in ages, but I've recently been inspired to start writing again, and have had two different ideas that I think might be really fun to write. I'm just going to copy paste my writing notes on them, so please excuse the absolute mess all of that is in, and the dorky self notes that may be included. If anyone reads this, and has an opinion about either, I'd love to hear it. Thanks! (And so so sorry again, about my never bothering to post anything)