
After everyone watches Descendants, The Rise of Red,  don't ever let it be said that I--in any way, took inspiration from the film for my series. 
          	I created Hartley years before this film was even made. I have very mixed feelings around this next installment. 


After everyone watches Descendants, The Rise of Red,  don't ever let it be said that I--in any way, took inspiration from the film for my series. 
          I created Hartley years before this film was even made. I have very mixed feelings around this next installment. 


So, like, is anyone else sincerely struggling with silent readers. I really appreciate people reading, but I feel like votes and comments are becoming a thing of the past. I feel like, if you're not enjoying a story, that's cool, but if you keep reading, a vote or a comment would make sense. IDK maybe it's just my opinion. 


I'm flattered that people like my books. However, I don't condone plagiarism. Even if you take pieces and change a word or two here and there, it is plagiarism. Especially when done without permission or knowledge of the author. 
          Even if you give a "shout out" to another author stating that they inspired you (at the beginning of the chapter)... simply taking parts of their work  and not asking is still copyright infringement. 
          If anyone sees fit to copy anything written by another author, you will be reported. 
          The entire work in question is word for word the dialogue of the movies (some chapters with pieces of my stories (plot and dialogue). I hope that this person wrote the rest of their work on their own and that I'm not the only one that they stole from. 
          If you like what you read vote and comment. It helps everyone out, but don't steal it. 
          If this person wanted pointers or help, or feedback on their writing, I would have gladly obliged. 
          I know it's all fanfiction, but it's a lot of work and very personal to the author.
          I hope this person is embarrassed and learns from their mistakes. 
          ⭐We gotta do better guys.


@Scarletraven13 * that I AM the only one they stole from


During this Mercury retrograde things have been a little intense. The eclipse season began with the solar eclipse in Aries ♈ and ends tomorrow with the flower  moon Lunar eclipse in Scorpio♏ 
          It has been emotional and especially difficult on Leos ♌, Geminis♊, Virgos♍, and Scorpios♏. 
          Fellow Scorpios♏--abundance is coming after the 5th of May, hang in there. 
          Mercury retrograde ends on May 14th.
          Make sure you're taking time for self-care and rest. And check on your people.
          And as always long live evil!!


Thank you to everyone who has supported my Carlos De Vil, Love Story Series. I have uploaded two short chapters today and I hope to upload more tonight. 
          It's been a bit crazy lately. As always feedback and votes are appreciated. ❤️