
Trying to write a new story, lets see how this one goes :)


@SceneDreamXD i like the story your different ...... i'm liking it


there’s something about going through an old account and seeing all the old comments, all nearly a decade old. it’s like... nostalgia? even though i wasn’t online during those days. it reminds me of the fact that all 8,000,000,000 humans on this planet have and lead their own lives, and what i’m seeing now is merely their former self; they aren’t this person anymore. after eight years, i hope this person (@SceneDreamXD) is doing well in life, particularly during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
          though there’s a very low chance of you reading this, i hope you’re doing well right now. and if you aren’t, keep your head up because light will shine through! 
          au revoir, 10/12/2020 ❤️