
Good day everyone 
          	I'm back
          	And I'm going to start updating all by nooks and doing some serious editing. So I'll bring some things down and change a lot of things but not the plot or characters. Don't fear. Updating dates are:
          	Saturdays for MGFASS
          	Thursdays for HLS
          	And Fridays for IB
          	Thanks loves
          	Scepes 0_0


Good day everyone 
          I'm back
          And I'm going to start updating all by nooks and doing some serious editing. So I'll bring some things down and change a lot of things but not the plot or characters. Don't fear. Updating dates are:
          Saturdays for MGFASS
          Thursdays for HLS
          And Fridays for IB
          Thanks loves
          Scepes 0_0