
Published a book... Haven't done so in a long time. It's the one I've been working on, I have 22 chapters finished and will focus on trying to post one everyday (I'll see how that goes, maybe like 2 a week) and I'll use it to edit.


          	  Please follow, vote, and comment on my story
          	  The Selkie Boy 
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Published a book... Haven't done so in a long time. It's the one I've been working on, I have 22 chapters finished and will focus on trying to post one everyday (I'll see how that goes, maybe like 2 a week) and I'll use it to edit.


            Please follow, vote, and comment on my story
            The Selkie Boy 
            The Selkie Boy is in your reading list.


Hey hi guys, sorry for the sudden post.
          I've been reading this mafia romance book and the story is really good. If you like mafia romance stories please give this a try and support the author. Thank you


You make it halfways into a book and of course you just have to start the planning the second draft and drafting out all the things you will change. It's relaxing, listening to some AWOLFNATION and some weird dream playlist you created while summarizing each chapter and planning on how to expand that all, make it into a whole new POV, and then how to make the events cooler and make the descriptions more (but not boring descriptions!). I can't wait, it'll be the first one to hit the big leagues. Or to actually get published of course. To me, that's the big leagues. Registered author, what could be better. I have so many ideas, and I can't wait to put them to paper.


Book is coming along, making a 3rd person version and first person! I had a wonderful dream last night and woke up surprisingly well-rested, so I'm calling it quits today to see if I can have another good night! Have fun, random people seeing this unexpectedly <3


By the time I turn 18, I'm aiming to have a published book. Or at least a finished one, that I can read over once I forget all about it and still find it good. Then, I'll get it published. I don't care about the money, I think it would just be a cool experience. Since I'm turning 17 soon, that gives me a year and a few months. But I've got some stories that I have yet to share, and I'm very excited about them. They're going to become great stories, and I can't wait to get my own book that I myself created. I want it in all the copies. It's going to be beautiful, and I want to put so much detail in it. Again, I can't wait. Accomplish your dreams, folks!


I don't know if these comment threads or any of my books are distinguished, or rather portray me as a distinguished gent. I'm no gent. Ya'll... It's Thursday... Nearly Friday. I must say, I'm excited, yet scared about what I can do in the real world. I looked for jobs in Salt Lake City Utah (where I hope to go when I graduate, or possibly Cedar City), and I couldn't find many jobs I could just jump into. But now, I'm remembering that there's many people there. I'm bound to find some job without schooling if I don't get accepted/if I can't pay for it. I may just ask my parents to pay for the first few months of my little adventure instead of paying for college. If they could just pay for an apartment, then perhaps everything would be all good and I could get things started. Not gonna lie though, I'm kinda worried. I've focused on Utah my whole life. But what will happen if I can't live there? If I can't provide for myself there... Will it send me over the edge? Will I just move to Colorado? Will I live off the streets? Will I end this game then and there before I can change it? 
          Ya'll, it's not wise to focus on just leaving to one city. Even a state is iffy. This is gonna be tough...


Conversation is the best medicine. Perhaps I'll just chat him a quick note and say "Hey, I'm truly sorry that you're hurt about someone you know passing away. As much as I would truly love to help you, I have absolutely NO experience handling such sensitive situations like these. I'm the kind of person that when faced with these situations, I'll just try to hype up their emotions so they'd forget about it, or just change their mind onto something else. I'd probably just tell them to listen to the Mamma Mia! soundtrack, or give them some funny songs to try to laugh at. Laughter is supposed to be the best medicine, and that's something that'll get me out of the dump. Or perhaps write your feelings down on paper? It helps get them out and about, and stop holding them in. I find that it's better. Wet the paper an let it fly. That's what I did for a dead cat. I thought that the wind would take it to her, although in your world that's probably littering. Of course, I could listen, if that's what you'd like, or I could pretend nothing happend, Or I could send you a pig video that I had to watch in Animal Science. As gruesome as it was, the way they peeled the pig's skin off was somewhat (dare I say it) satisfying. If you want a funny anime (since I know you watch it) I could tell you to watch Ghost Stories, but the English dub. That's funny af. Or go outside and stare up at the moon and have a talk with her about something rather. It helps you feel more connected." 
          I truly do feel bad for not being able to help more. I feel like I'm chained onto something. I can't respond. But like... I'd try! YOU WANT CUTE PICS OF MY KITTENS, TA DA?! Maybe sticking your head in snow will help soothe feelings. After all, you'd be too freezing to think, and soon your tears would freeze your eyes closed. That's... An example of how I ruin these situations. GAAAAAAAHHHHH


@SciFiDragon Yall... I may end up saying something... I can't shut up... Here it goes. Maybe. No more updates till I do or do not do something


@SciFiDragon I really want to say something. Darn, I desperately hope that this isn't taken the wrong way. I'm trying to follow what my gut says. It's lead me down wrong path's before, or maybe it's just whenever I start to overthink. I'm at a loss.


What if he didn't want my consolidation? What if he reads it and goes, "There she goes again, trying to butt herself into issues nobody asked her to join in,". Y'ALL BEING AN OVERTHINKER IS A CURSE. 
            Perhaps it's best to wait... And just... Ride it out? 
            He was online like an hour afterwards. Perhaps he doesn't wanna talk about it anymore. That's all fine with me. But like... If he did want to speak about it... He'd tell me, right? Whatever qualifications I need here, I'm desperately lacking. 
            Okay, I think I may wait, or  maybe ask on Amino, cause they seem sane. No clue broskies. 
            I'm just gonna wait it out, bottom line. Maybe delete the last message, even though chances are he already saw it. Sucks, he seemed so happy earlier on. Until it was brought up. I didn't know.
            I'll just separate myself from the situation and he can tell me if he needs anything. I wont force my therapy on anyone but Kai and Nyra. They need it right now. I gotta write that book. Because at the end of the day, I know that I should. I don't know if I should help out with this situation. 
            I must leave before I add more on.


Ya'll I'm at a loss. I don't know how to console people. Like my friend said that someone he knows died. i didn't know how to react. I don't wanna step on the wrong thing... Like of course I'd want him to feel better, I just don't know how. It's awkward, and as much as I want to help, I just don't know how to. I wish I could learn how to be a good  conversationalist, and how to console others. 
          I think it may have taken a tad bit of a tole on him. So of course I feel bad! HOW COULDN'T I? I have no clue of their affiliation or how close they were together. I'm a random person online, how in the world would I know? But I can't help but feel like I must do something, but I have no clue what to say or do! 
          I told him I'd always be there for him... Or at least I think I did... And it feels like I'm going back on that now. Like if he had told me what I could do to help, I'd jump on it, but that's obviously awkward and not something a mourning person would want to do. 
          It's funny cause yesterday I was trying to search up some good tips. I feel like I'm at a loss. I'm not good at continuing on conversations, and online just makes it 10x harder sometimes. 
          I say stupid things sometimes that I have no intention of ever meaning. I don't ever want to make someone feel bad, but it's how I was raised. I don't know how to act. 
          Well, I'm gonna go back to writing. Bye yall. R.I.P to any of you who stumbled upon this.


Hi thanks for the follow :)


@allhailtheeggking Oh of course you're welcome! Although no need to thank me, it would've been a shame not to follow you! I really liked your story... I don't normally read stories on Wattpad but I hope I'll remember to read yours! I see some real potential there!