
Well. I forgot this account existed until maybe five minutes ago. It's still gonna be dead, just wanted to see how everything and everyone is doing. I'm not on Instagram anymore for sure, though I'm starting to appreciate Pentatonix a bit more slowly but surely. Maybe I'll bring it back too. But writing? Nah, not for me anymore. 


Well. I forgot this account existed until maybe five minutes ago. It's still gonna be dead, just wanted to see how everything and everyone is doing. I'm not on Instagram anymore for sure, though I'm starting to appreciate Pentatonix a bit more slowly but surely. Maybe I'll bring it back too. But writing? Nah, not for me anymore. 


AU: Mitch breaks up with Scott for another man, and the toll of heatbreak turns Scott into a heartless monster (figuratively and literally; his heart turns to stone (literally), and he forces all of his friends away by cruel actions (figuratively)). After years, Mitch is now all alone, and he turns to Scott, who absolutely hates Mitch, but deep down inside, there's still a burning love for him.
          Yey or Ney?


@Lynn4560 No! Well.. I plan on a happyish ending.