
OMG guys, I'm sooo sorry, I haven't had any chance to write and I feel so bad :( I know it's been a month or so but I will try and get writing again, sorry :( 
          	Write soon chimeras :) 


I hate art teachers. (Ok not all of them, just the ones I get) they draw on my work, and keel telling me "theirs no such think as bad work, just unfinished" it's driving me crazy. 
          After that small rant I want to say a
          That after like a month of not writing I am going to hopefully have chapter 6 put soon, sorry for this taking so long but my "mates" keep bugging me. Hope you guys are well, talk later chimeras. 


Hopefully going to start writing again, on Friday I have like a 1-2hour bus journey on Friday so will write then. The next 3years will be interesting and will probs be on and off writing due to important exams. So sorry again for that, I am thinking about posting a book with poetry that I wrote a while ago (I have already written like 10 poems) so will think about that. Anyway hope you guys are well 
          Searic (I should probs think of a way to end this before I start livestreaming, either that or I get people to decide the name)